Yesterday I buried my mother! Despite this fact it was a very nice day...even with the cloudiness and misty rain here and there. It was a good day!
My mother’s name was Betty. She lived 83 years...12 of them with a horrible disease called alzheimers. She has suffered enough and was so ready to be set free of the bondage. She spoke at times about wanting to go home and see her Mama and Daddy. They both passed away in the very early 70’s.
Saturday morning about 3:30am we received a call that she had turned for the worse. We rushed to the nursing
I noticed Saturday afternoon after weeks of not opening her eyes...being very unresponsive...she opened both eyes as wide as they would go. Something she had not really done in months. She stared straight up to the ceiling...the labored breathing had subsided, and she was blinking her eyes like you and I would do when listening to someone. I called her name but she was totally ignoring me but whoever had her attention....had it fully. It was like someone was telling her something VERY important...and she was listening to them with great intense. She stayed this way for about a minute and then slowly closed her eyes again for good. It was an amazing event and I felt so privileged to have witnessed it. What do I think was happening? I truly believe God was telling her it was okay to let go...and that she would be there soon. Some people might disagree with me and say oh that is what people who are dying usually do...well maybe so...but I do believe God was speaking to her.
She passed away on late Monday afternoon and it was so peaceful. As I watched her take her last breath I stood their wondering....who is she seeing first? Who is waiting for her? I actually felt a little jealousy.
The amazing caregivers at the nursing home where she resided for four years were so sweet to her. They all came and paid their respects to her...kissed her...and told her they loved her. It was very touching. We are so grateful for all of their help over the past four years. They took excellent care of her and we would have nothing but the best for our dear mother.
Today I am not sad. I am so happy for my mother. She is in heaven with my Father, her parents, her siblings and friends....that I know she is having a big party up in heaven. She is finally free!!
Today is the beginning of a new beginnings for me and my is good again! I’m so excited about all the possibilities and adventures that await for me.
Thank you Mother for being the best mother anyone could have! My sisters and I were so blessed to have you as our mother. I love you!
****Written January 1, 2010**********
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